Sunday, November 20, 2016

Black Friday Vs.Cyber Monday Deals

It's that time of the year again!!! The holidays is here and we all try to get those good deals that all the stores or online sites are having. We all struggle whether or not to actually go in store to shop, or just wait for Monday to shop online. based on my experience here is my pros and cons below:

Black Friday:

  • Shopping with a friends/Group
  • Prices could be better
  • Physically handling what you are buying
  • Might miss a good deal only offered if you go
  • Parking
  • Huge Crowds
  • Long Lines
  • Price markdowns after Black Friday
  • Missed time with family (unless they go with)
Cyber Monday:
  • Accessible by computer/mobile
  • Shop in your PJ's
  • For stay at home mom's don't need a babysitter
  • Deals are usually better (Competing with stores for higher close out numbers)
  • Easily compare prices online 
  • Possible delayed shipping
  • Possible damage
  • Possible online fraud
  • Won't be able to see merchandise til it arrives
  • May have return issues
There you have it. Overall I do a little bit of both but mainly online shopping is my preferred choice. Happy shopping!!!

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